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00:00 Q & A 291 Tessier Cleft, Chinese Medicine, Salivary Gland Stone
07:35 Acid dehydrates (burns up electrolytes)
14:43 Condition: Hole in the face
19:18 Central Nervous System
28:44 Extreme Acidosis (detoxification)
28:58 What system does allergies deal with?
29:28 Create Acidosis to create mutation
33:45 Post-partum Depression
34:20 Detoxification (the process of tissue regeneration)
34:39 Demineralization (happens in acidic medium)
35:03 Protein (well-known to rob calcium in the body)
52:13 Stone (salivary gland)
53:29 Fluids (acidic means dehydrated0
01:03:10 Immune response (inflammation)
01:08:30 Root Canal, Nasal Polyps (constant inflammation)
01:09:43 Deterioration (two sides of chemistry)
01:10:02 What system deals with acids?
01:10:43 Systemic Acidosis (example: "so hot but I am cold)
01:23:10 Detoxification (revitalizing program)

- 00:00 Q & A 291 Tessier Cleft, Chinese Medicine, Salivary Gland Stone
- 07:35 Acid dehydrates (burns up electrolytes)
- 14:43 Condition: Hole in the face
- 19:18 Central Nervous System
- 28:44 Extreme Acidosis (detoxification)
- 28:58 What system does allergies deal with?
- 29:28 Create Acidosis to create mutation
- 33:45 Post-partum Depression
- 34:20 Detoxification (the process of tissue regeneration)
- 34:39 Demineralization (happens in acidic medium)
- 35:03 Protein (well-known to rob calcium in the body)
- 52:13 Stone (salivary gland)
- 53:29 Fluids (acidic means dehydrated0
- 01:03:10 Immune response (inflammation)
- 01:08:30 Root Canal, Nasal Polyps (constant inflammation)
- 01:09:43 Deterioration (two sides of chemistry)
- 01:10:02 What system deals with acids?
- 01:10:43 Systemic Acidosis (example: "so hot but I am cold)
- 01:23:10 Detoxification (revitalizing program)