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00:00 Frontal Lobe Functions (reasoning, judgement, intellect & will)
03:49 Frontal Lobe Functions (reasoning, judgement, intellect & will)
07:38 Frontal Lobe develops at the age of 30
08:58 Discipline (gives limits & boundaries);electric fence
14:03 Self-control (Frontal Lobe develops like muscles over time)
18:10 Damage to the Frontal Lobe (diminished [foresight,self-control,mind])
18:38 Skeletal System (skull- protecting the brain)
21:17 Football Migraine (Brain damage)
22:51 Stimulant: Sugar (2min of glucose; 15 times rate)
33:21 Brain transmits [pancreas stop the insulin; release the glucagon]
33:39 Adrenal Glands [release adrenalin, noradrenalin,cortizol]/release fat stores to give more glucose
34:16 Pituitary Glands [release Human Growth Hormones]
34:36 Thyroid Glands [release thyroxine]
37:38 Anti-depressant (actually caused depression); sugar side effect
43:42 Stimulant: Caffeine (7 cups of coffee a day causes illness)
44:15 Depression (Medical definition: chemical imbalance of the brain)
45:40 Adenosine (neurons/ blood flow to the frontal lobe)
46:16 Acetylcholine (frontal lobe function)
47:45 Dopamine (neurotrasmitted that makes you feel good); exhausted when overused
54:00 Mercury: (Neurotoxic)/brain poison
58:54 Alcohol (neurotoxic)
01:01:59 Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)
01:05:08 Stimulant: Tobacco (weakens the arterial wall)
01:06:54 Stimulant: Drugs [most dangerous] (mind nurturing drugs)
01:12:47 Stimulants: Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)/ closes the nerve cells
01:14:27 Stimulants: Chemicals (go for natural and organic)

- 00:00 Frontal Lobe Functions (reasoning, judgement, intellect & will)
- 03:49 Frontal Lobe Functions (reasoning, judgement, intellect & will)
- 07:38 Frontal Lobe develops at the age of 30
- 08:58 Discipline (gives limits & boundaries);electric fence
- 14:03 Self-control (Frontal Lobe develops like muscles over time)
- 18:10 Damage to the Frontal Lobe (diminished [foresight,self-control,mind])
- 18:38 Skeletal System (skull- protecting the brain)
- 21:17 Football Migraine (Brain damage)
- 22:51 Stimulant: Sugar (2min of glucose; 15 times rate)
- 33:21 Brain transmits [pancreas stop the insulin; release the glucagon]
- 33:39 Adrenal Glands [release adrenalin, noradrenalin,cortizol]/release fat stores to give more glucose
- 34:16 Pituitary Glands [release Human Growth Hormones]
- 34:36 Thyroid Glands [release thyroxine]
- 37:38 Anti-depressant (actually caused depression); sugar side effect
- 43:42 Stimulant: Caffeine (7 cups of coffee a day causes illness)
- 44:15 Depression (Medical definition: chemical imbalance of the brain)
- 45:40 Adenosine (neurons/ blood flow to the frontal lobe)
- 46:16 Acetylcholine (frontal lobe function)
- 47:45 Dopamine (neurotrasmitted that makes you feel good); exhausted when overused
- 54:00 Mercury: (Neurotoxic)/brain poison
- 58:54 Alcohol (neurotoxic)
- 01:01:59 Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)
- 01:05:08 Stimulant: Tobacco (weakens the arterial wall)
- 01:06:54 Stimulant: Drugs [most dangerous] (mind nurturing drugs)
- 01:12:47 Stimulants: Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)/ closes the nerve cells
- 01:14:27 Stimulants: Chemicals (go for natural and organic)