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00:00 Food combining is better when it comes to taste buds, but in body clean, we stick to whole food only.
02:41 Food combining is better when it comes to taste buds, but in body clean, we stick to whole food only.
02:55 Eating banana can create optimal digestion, right in the stomach
03:13 Grapefruit are good for optimal digestion
03:23 Eating (bananas and grapefruits) together at the same time, body cannot create different environment
03:47 The body makes secretes various enzyme (mouth and tongue on digestive tract)
04:10 Small intestine is prepared then to assimilate to absorb
11:08 Pineapple, is the least type of acid fruit (best combine with grapefruit, next with orange and mandarin)
13:30 The vast majority of fruits are sub-acids, one combines best with itself
14:03 Acid & sub-acid is okay, sub-acid and sweet is okay; acid and sweet is not a good combination
14:50 Tomato is a fruit (it gets freshly covering seed; but has a high acid content, as well as potatoes)
17:17 Avocado is the only fruit that has olives behind that are so high in fat content (40-80% fat)
17:53 Durian has 17% fat; and avocado can be 4x that much per calorie
18:47 Avocados combine well with acid fruit since acid combines well with fat

- 00:00 Food combining is better when it comes to taste buds, but in body clean, we stick to whole food only.
- 02:41 Food combining is better when it comes to taste buds, but in body clean, we stick to whole food only.
- 02:55 Eating banana can create optimal digestion, right in the stomach
- 03:13 Grapefruit are good for optimal digestion
- 03:23 Eating (bananas and grapefruits) together at the same time, body cannot create different environment
- 03:47 The body makes secretes various enzyme (mouth and tongue on digestive tract)
- 04:10 Small intestine is prepared then to assimilate to absorb
- 11:08 Pineapple, is the least type of acid fruit (best combine with grapefruit, next with orange and mandarin)
- 13:30 The vast majority of fruits are sub-acids, one combines best with itself
- 14:03 Acid & sub-acid is okay, sub-acid and sweet is okay; acid and sweet is not a good combination
- 14:50 Tomato is a fruit (it gets freshly covering seed; but has a high acid content, as well as potatoes)
- 17:17 Avocado is the only fruit that has olives behind that are so high in fat content (40-80% fat)
- 17:53 Durian has 17% fat; and avocado can be 4x that much per calorie
- 18:47 Avocados combine well with acid fruit since acid combines well with fat