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10 Foods NOT to eat
00:00 Hot fat luncheon meat (9 times risk of leukemia)
00:08 Hot fat luncheon meat (9 times risk of leukemia)
01:14 diet sodas cokes (brain tumor and cancer seizures)
01:34 margarine and trans fat
01:38 shellfish
01:42 junkfoods and high fructose corn syrup
01:48 MSG (mono sodium Glutimate which cause terrible headaches and kill the brain )
03:09 Chlorine and flouride (deadly poison)
03:42 Cough Medicines
03:49 decongestant antacids inhalers tranquilizer aspen setters
03:57 Drug prozac (suicidal behavior)
“The Liver” by Barbara ONeill
00:00 How to test the Liver Function
00:28 How to test the Liver Function
02:28 Carbohydrates content (cereal, bread, cakes, pasta, rice, pizza, potatoes & sugar)
06:02 Glucose (singular structure gets absorbs to the blood to the project manager)
06:35 Skin Needs Water
06:42 Glucose & Glycogen (quick release glucose stores)
07:29 Glucose & Fat (excess glucose is stored)
10:10 Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (one double bond; empty spots on the fatty acid chain)
10:21 Recommended Daily Allowance For Carbohydrates
10:41 Refined Carbohydrates vs Whole Grained Carbohydrates
12:31 High Carbohydrate Diet (hign Glucose)
12:42 Pancreas - High Insulin
16:23 L.D.L (Low-density Lipoprotein)[ rebuilder & repairer]
16:45 Arteries
17:16 H.D.L (High-density Lipoprotein)
17:37 Atherosclerosis
18:39 High Cholesterol Level
18:41 Lipitor
19:03 Hot Protective Enzymes
20:43 Essential Nutrient: Fiber
20:47 Gastro-intestinal Tract
21:02 Essential Nutrient: Protein
21:41 Amino Acids
21:51 Protein: Peptides and Polypeptides
23:33 Essential Nutrient: Fat
23:39 Cell Membrane (50% Protein & 50% Fat)
24:04 Fat-free Diet
02:36 Acid Alkaline Balance
26:12 Non-essential Nutient: Carbohydrates
37:10 Importance Of The Liver
37:36 Fat Soluble Toxins
38:58 Water-Soluble State
39:19 Water-Soluble State Phase 1: Metabolite
40:21 Antioxidants (Free Radical Scavenger)
40:43 Beta-Carotene Antioxidants
41:09 Vitamin C Antioxidants (With Bioflavonoids)
41:59 Vitamin E (Fat-soluble Vitamin)
42:28 Minerals & Vitamin B
42:41 Water-Soluble State Phase 2: Metabolite+Amino Acids
43:40 Water-Soluble State Phase 3:Metabolite+Bloodstream (Urine & Sweat)
00:34 1200 Calories To Digest
01:23 Cleanser Detox
01:29 4 Main Organs Of Elimination
01:35 Organ 1: Skin (Largest Organ Of Elimination)
02:54 Hypoxia (lack of Oxygen)
06:16 Skin Needs To Exercise
09:17 Organ 2: Lungs (Breathe In Oxygen & Breathe Out CO2)
09:45 Aerobic Cells (Energy & Carbon Dioxide)
10:13 Anaerobic Cells (Energy & Lactic Acid)
12:32 2 Types Of Anaerobic Cells (Cancer & Fungus Cell)
14:25 Lungs Need Fresh Air
14:45 Lungs Need Extra Exercise
17:11 Lungs Need Water
17:32 Organ 3: Kidneys (Blood Filtration)
19:41 Kidneys Need Water
20:13 Kidneys Need To Be Warmed
23:42 Kidneys Need To Exercise
24:30 Organ 4: Colon (Mind Of Its Own)
25:11 Colon Needs Stimulation
25:45 Colon Needs To Exercise
26:18 Colon Needs Water
26:45 Colon Needs Fiber
29:12 Never Enter: Sugar
30:58 Liver (Detox-Project Manager)
00:23 Sunshine (Doctor In The Sky)
00:40 Vitamin D Deficiency (ultraviolet raise from the sun hit the skin; convert a form of cholesterol)
00:54 Skin Needs Sun (Vitamin D)
01:39 Vitamin D (Anti-cancer Vitamin)
02:03 Cancer Vs Fungus(no lights)
02:11 Calcium (King of All Minerals)
02:37 Bone Needs Sun (Calcium)
02:42 Osteoporosis (cholesterol-leveling medications)
05:56 Eyes Need Light From The Sun
07:48 Melanopsin (absorbs blue-light)
08:09 Brain Needs Sunlight Messages
12:46 Pineal Gland (PG)
13:56 PG Released Seratonin
14:47 PG Released Arginine Vasotocin
15:05 Increase Hormones By "1 HOUR EXERCISE DAILY"
16:55 Cognitive Behavior Therapy
17:52 PG Released Epithalamin
19:26 PG Released Melatonin
20:28 Increase Hormones By "LAUGHTER"
20:50 Decrease Hormones By "WORRY"
21:17 Increase Hormones By "SUNSHINE THROUGHOUT THE DAY"
21:21 Increase Hormones By "SLEEPING IN THE DARK"
22:00 Increase Hormones By "FASTING"
22:09 Tryptophan (key amino acid used in the production of the Melatonin)
22:27 Decrease Hormones By "ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS"
25:28 Decrease Hormones By "COFFEE"
25:42 Decrease Hormones By "ALCOHOL"
26:08 Decrease Hormones By "MEAT"
28:04 Stomach (very risky)
31:00 Digestion (3-Hr Process); 1 Hr rest
32:25 Food To Eat: High Fiber Diet
32:28 Food To Eat: Substantial Protein
32:36 Food To Eat: Sufficient Fat
34:50 Cause Of Food To Still: Overeating
35:15 Cause Of Food To Still: Often Eating
37:39 Cause Of Food To Still: Fear/ Anger
40:03 Cause Of Food To Still: Large Fluid
40:52 Cause Of Food To Still: Alcohol
00:26 Healing In A Human Body: Pure Air [Oxygen content]
01:32 Aerobic Cells (Energy & Carbon Dioxide)
01:42 Anaerobic Cells (Energy & Lactic Acid)
03:45 Symptom Of Hypoxia: Fatigue
03:56 Symptom Of Hypoxia: Lethargy
04:03 Symptom Of Hypoxia: Nausea
04:07 Symptom Of Hypoxia: Headaches
04:36 Symptom Of Hypoxia: Euphoria
05:41 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (C.F.S)
06:31 Negative Ions (Thunder, Waterfall, Waves, Pine)
08:25 Positive Ions (Before Thunder, City, Heaters, Mould)
18:04 Hydrochloric Acid (two cups of water)
18:54 Cause of Dehydration: Stimulants
19:01 Cause of Dehydration: Medication
25:19 Temperance: Moderation & Never Enter
25:47 Moderation: All Good Things
26:42 Moderation: Work
27:55 Moderation: Play
33:12 Diabetes Mellitus
35:44 Never Enter: Caffeine
37:27 Adenosine Drops (Fuse Box)
38:27 Acetylcholine (is an organic molecule that acts as a neurotransmitter in many organisms)
39:00 Dopamine (a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells)
45:13 Never Enter: Mercury (neurutoxic)
47:33 Multiple Sclerosis (protective sheath that takes the messages out)
48:55 Methylmercury (unites with the bacteria in the mouth); dangerous when absorbed into the body
50:57 Coal Mercury (coal burning fire; the [mercury] goes into the air & the wind goes & travel for a long way)
51:20 Never Enter: Alcohol (Neurutoxic)
52:43 Never Enter: Drugs (All Have Side Effects)
53:10 Never Enter: Tobacco (Affects All Organs)
54:07 Never Enter: MSG (Affect Nerve Cells)
55:21 Never Enter: Chemicals
00:42 Symptom of a hormonal imbalance: Early Menstruation
01:28 Symptom of a hormonal imbalance: Heavy & Painful Periods, Premenstrual Tension
01:37 Symptoms of a hormonal imbalace: Endometriosos, Heart Disease, Blood Clots, Depression, Breast Cancer, Uterine Cancer, F
01:51 Hormonal Imbalance In Men
02:02 Symptom: Penile Dysfunction
02:14 Symptom: Low Sperm Count
02:17 Symptom: Homosexuality
02:21 Symptom: Prostate
03:03 Cholesterol (Lipid & Vitamin D)
03:15 Pregnenolone (endogenous steroid hormone)
03:18 Progesterone (supports gestation)
03:20 Estrogen, Testosterone, Adrenal
04:18 Cell Proliferation (Cell Growth)
05:54 Female Reproductive Organs
07:13 Corpus Luteum (Blister)
08:22 Cervix (with 2 lips like in a mucus plug under the effect of progesterone)
11:14 What Happens If The Cells Connect And Begin To Divide To Make A New Human Being? (progesterone levels will be very high)
11:51 Post-natal Depression (lack of progesterone)
13:20 Pap Smear (test the cervix to check the abnormal cells)
15:53 Disruption Of The Cycle: Pill
16:03 Diosgenin (converted to progesterone)
17:45 Progesterone Deficiency (estrogen dominance that causes problems)
18:09 Premenstrual Tension (during mentruation)
20:05 Disruption: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
24:05 Disruption: Meat Products
24:13 Disruption: Plastic
24:49 Nonylphenols (gives soft in a plastic bottles)
25:06 Bisphenol-A (lining plastic tins)
25:51 Different Estrogens (Estrogen Receptor, Xenoestrogens, Human Estrogens, Phytoestrogens)
31:15 "To Return The Balance"
31:25 1.)Balance With Elimination The Disruptions
32:10 Signs of Ovulation: High temperature
32:44 Sign of Ovulation: Sticky Vaginal Mucus
33:04 Sign of Ovulation: Cervix Changes
40:05 2.)Balance With No Excess Estrogen
40:13 Hydroxy Pathway (taken out toxic or keep toxic)
48:24 4.)Balance With 8 Laws Of Health
00:36 Molecular Structure Of The Fat (18 Chain Of The Fatty Acid)
01:05 Omega -3 (Surgeon); position of the fatty acid in each double bond
01:43 Effects Of Having A Double Bond: Electromagnetic Field, Sensitivity In Light & Heat, Sensitivity In Light & Heat, Oxygen
04:43 Alpha-Linolenic Acid(ALA) (3 double bonds)
05:05 Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (5 double bonds)
05:21 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (6 double bonds)
06:12 Fat Soluble Toxin (Mercury)
08:36 Omega -6 (Assisting Physician)
09:15 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (more than one double bond; empty spots on the fatty acid chain)
09:33 Omega -9 (Nurse)
10:31 Medium Chain Fatty Acid (12 to 15 chain)
11:02 Saturated Fat (Fatty Acids)
11:54 No Double Bond (Trolley Boy)
16:04 Transition Of Fatty Acid In The Digestive System
19:32 Calories (unit of energy)
28:00 Calcium (the most alkaline mineral; scale of speed [does not move]
29:43 Osteoposoris (High In Progesterone)
38:29 Food Pyramid (vegetables is in the bottom)
39:44 PH Window (vegetable is the most alkaline)
40:02 Liver Window (needs beta-carotine)
40:18 Colon Window (highest fiber food)
40:32 Cancer Window (sugar)
40:34 Availability Window (Foods Most Available)
41:38 Cost Window(How Much Do You Get?)